by rockerforlife | Feb 7, 2019 | Heavy Metal, Interview, Live Shows, Playlist, Radio, Rantings, Travel
Tom Angelripper of SodomPerpetual Warfare from ColombiaJohn Gallagher of RavenJohan of TiamatPikachu Army and Lord Ahriman of Dark Funeral I just returned from the 70,000 Tons of Metal Cruise! I’ll be posting a recap in the coming weeks as well as on my...
by rockerforlife | Jan 24, 2019 | Heavy Metal, Live Shows, Playlist, Rantings, Travel
A great night at Vitus! It’s my favorite venue, I just wish it didn’t take me forever to get there – you could watch 2 movies in the time it takes me to enter the hallowed hall – so I am discerning of which shows I attend, just because the...
by rockerforlife | Jan 6, 2019 | Art, Heavy Metal, Playlist, Punk, Radio, Random, Rantings, Vintage
I run a Facebook Group called Rockers For Life, hmmm, interesting! In between running around alphabetizing my record collection, working out on the trampoline and preparing for my next trip, I squeeze this group into my days/weeks. It’s a fun group, based on a...
by rockerforlife | Dec 24, 2018 | Art, Heavy Metal, Interview, Live Shows, Playlist, Punk, Radio, Travel
Over the weekend a couple of people I know posted about Hieronymus Bosch’s art in some form or another on FB. It occurred to me that years ago I was a visitor at the Jheronimus Bosch Art Center in DenBosch, NL, and that I had posted quite a piece about it on...
by rockerforlife | Nov 22, 2018 | Heavy Metal, Playlist, Punk, Radio, Random, Rantings
Argh! I love doing radio and I am currently doing a program called LIFER on Gimme is a great station that’s primarily metal oriented, or at least focuses on music that is generally heavy. There are lots of great shows by great DJs, musicians and...
by rockerforlife | Nov 11, 2018 | Art, Heavy Metal, Live Shows
Volur Xasthur Year Of The Cobra Volur 1476 Eye Of Nix Kayo Dot Novembers Doom November 2nd and 3rd marked the American debut of Prophecy Fest. The German label Prophecy Productions, have held festivals inside a huge cave in Germany in the past, and after finally...
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