
I opened and owned Powerhouse Tattoo in Montclair, NJ for nearly 20 years and was a professional tattooer for over 25 years. I have extensive experience and knowledge in the art of the tattoo, running a tattoo business, as well as having been on the committee that drafted the current tattoo laws that stand in the State of NJ. I am an advocate for safe tattooing for a lifetime. Recently, I’ve added a feature to my WFMU/Apple Podcast called Chapters In Tattoo History, where I have conversations with legacy tattoo artists and people who have contributed to the tattoo world. Check the podcast index HERE; you’ll have to read the intros to find the tattoo-related shows. 

I am available for expert witness testimony and am continually passionate about the world of skin art combined with public safety. You may find me lurking at a tattoo convention near you!

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